Monday 16 February 2009

Top Tips For Meribel and Seattle

So, as you will see, it’s been a while since I last threw up a note, but what can I say? Sometimes, real life gets in the way, along with all the hangovers that come with it.

There’s a hell of a lot that I could write about, like how amazing Tech Ready 8 was (for those not in the know, Tech Ready is a twice a year geek marathon where MS brings all us Technical Specialists and Technical Strategists together to pine over how amazing our current and future solutions are – and this one was no different), but due to the strict, and consistent reminder not to blog about the content, I won’t do that. I will however, blog about things around the event worth noting, as well as some other random stuff that has amused me lately.

Where to start? Let’s jump waaaaaaaaaaaay back to the middle of January, and my first ever skiing trip to Meribel. My, what a trip that was. There are some extra special tips I have for you though.

1) When learning to ski, don’t try and follow an ex-arctic warfare instructor down a slope. Granted, it was only a blue, but falling backwards, and being dragged halfway down a slope because your feet are strapped into the skis still is no fun. In fact, it may result in you screaming like a girl for fear of death.... Like I did.

2) Don’t worry about the people behind you. The fact you are on the slopes is their problem, not yours. It isn’t like driving at 60 in the outside lane of the motorway – there’s enough space for other people to get round you, but for the LOVE OF GOD, go nowhere near a red slope.

3) Drink. A lot. Mountain air is the miracle cure for a hangover, so don’t worry about feeling awful the next day.

4) Apparently, Spyder is the ultimate ski wear.... well, so say a bunch of forty somethings....

5) Take a hip flask with Port. Trust me. Nigel was right.

6) A line of jaeger bombs stretching most of the bar width is the only way you are allowed to drink them.

7) If cheese isn’t included in the meal, don’t bother eating it.

8) Make sure, when you leave the bar drunk, you start an all town involving snowball fight.
And so concludes, my not so top tips for skiing in Meribel.

Now, let’s park Meribel, and focus on another international destination – the luxurious Seattle. I spent a week there, and definitely learnt a couple of top tips there also.

1) Cheesecake factory sell more than just cheesecake. Who would have thought it? Make sure you only ever order the small portion, the large portion of Salad had in excess of 900 calories, according to their nutritional value guide. Thats a lot of calories for some leaf and chicken. But then again, it could feed you for a whole week, easy.

2) Head to Lowell’s in the farmers market. Not only can you see some fish throwing en-route, but you can also get a kick ass (like how I am throwing in some Americanisms here?) stack of blueberry pancakes.

3) If, like most men in relationships (thank god I’m single!) you are in Seattle, and want to go perv on some women with about twenty thousand other men, trying to keep a promise not to go to a strip club, then go to Cowgirls. If however you man up, you could go to the 25 cent Big Seattle Butt Show. After the crapness of Cowgirls, I opted for the hotel bar, and skipped the 25 cent Big Seattle Butt Show. I’m not man enough for that type of action!

4) Jaeger Bomb’s, evidently, aren’t cool in Seattle. Stick to Meribel and Reading for some bombing action (plus, the two I had were pre bombed, which is LAME.)

5) Rock Bottom, Rock Bottom, Rock Bottom. A micro brewery, which does ok food, great pale ale, and has a load of pool tables as well. Most definitely the best place to hang out after a day of conferences in Seattle, and if I do move out there, you will find me there regularly.

6) Not a Seattle tip, but a flying tip. If you try to get out of your seat on a plane, make sure you unbuckle your seat belt. Whilst it will result in fits of laughter if you try to get up with it still on, it is surprisingly painful.

7) When on the black playing pool, always look your opponent in the eye when you pot. It’s pure comedy.

8) There is no place for the use of the word kerfuffle in a sentence, unless you were aiming to be mocked for a week.

Anyway, there is more I could write about. Like my addiction to live music rearing its head again, or how I became another example of why to drink responsibly, but

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