Thursday 19 February 2009

Wrestling, Smashups, Evil Hedgehogs, Goon City and some amazing animation.

So, I actually have quite a lot to cover in this one. After a long day, and getting home from work, I started bouncing some websites, and stumbled across some pretty cool stuff I thought worth sharing.

Firstly, let's kick off with a favourite past time of mine - Wrestling. There are a few different things I want to cover here. Firstly, well done to all involved in the last segment of RAW this week. Not only was the Shane/Randy street fight brutal, the follow ups were excellent, whilst predictable. The whole Randy/McMahon family situation has been building for a while now, and was always heading one place - Wrestlemania, with HHH taking on Orton.

The build up last night was a clever one, but I tell you what - HHH reaction to the RKO on Stephanie was amazing. There's a reason I refer to HHH as being the best around, and last night cemented that. The next few weeks will be really interesting in the build up, but I can only hope that there is a DX reunion, and a very interesting feud with Legacy.

The other side of the story is also an interesting one. It feels like they are gearing up for another Edge vs Cena feud – and for the record, I rate the last one as being one of the best in recent times. I can think of worse co-headliner than it looks like we are going to get.

Sticking with wrestling for a moment, there was a really interesting, and debate starting column written by Brett Hart on the Wrestler which I would recommend anyone interested in wrestling read: Clicky Clicky!

Moving on to marketing, in a wrestling context, has anyone seen this? The smash-ups section is pretty cool, and worth checking out. Clicky Clicky!

Leaving wrestling behind, there are a few other things that caught my eye. Firstly, is an article on the times website which shows some amazing life like animation. Clicky Clicky! Having watched that, I was genuinely blown away. It will be very interesting to see how computer games, and animated films move forwards. Here’s to the next final fantasy film!

Next up, Bloc City. This site is immense. Check it out, and see what you can spot. So far, I’ve seen the Joker, the Simpsons house, planet express HQ, Empire Records, the crystals from superman – and I suspect that is just the tip of the iceberg. Definitely my new procrastination site of choice!! Clicky Clicky!

Finally, a cute bit of marketing from Samsung. I especially like the evil hedgehog chair!

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