Tuesday 6 January 2009

Random Thoughts for the New Year

So, to kick this all off with a proper start, I thought I would share some of my thoughts from the past few weeks, on several topics.

Firstly, the pikey scum who broke into the communal area of the flats, purely to steal a number of parcels that had arrived for me whilst out. How do I know it was a pair of teenage pikey c*nts I hear you ask? Because I saw them leaving as I came home, but didn't realise what had happened until it was too late, and they were long gone.

Now, forgive me if I am wrong, but I can't help but wonder what would make anyone think it was fine to force a front door, and steal 4 parcels (I know what they took as they left the wrapping, which is now with the police for finger print checks). I don't know. Maybe at the ancient age of 26 I am past it, but my moral compass says that's wrong. Thanks Mum.

Like everyone, I want to blame someone for this, and that someone is the pikey's Mother. She clearly stopped breast feeding him at an early age, and didn't let him watch Transformers or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Shame on her. Again, thanks Mum for letting me watch such awesome, morally guiding TV. Mothers everywhere need to learn!

But enough of that!

On a more positive note, it's not long until I head off to Meribel to learn how to ski. By learn to ski, what I mean is fall over a lot, whilst trying not to break something. But never fear, citizens of Gotham, because even if I do fall (which I will) and break something (which I hope not to!) I am now insured for up to £10 million of medical charges. So, should I do something, I don't want any old helicopter to air lift me off the side of a mountain, I want a gold one, flown by a Vietnam veteran, with Scarlett Johansson giving me some TLC, and I want to be put up in a 5 star hotel rather than the hospital.

Seriously.... 10 million of our English pounds. I mean, I could go on holiday to the USA, and have full cancer treatment for that. Which is more than those poor citizens of America could get in that country, where medicine is only provided to those with insurance provided by morally bankrupt billionaires.

But, as usual I digress. So yes, I get to learn to ski! 3 whole days of skiing, with lessons, and 4 nights of intense drinking will surely make the Robide a very, very happy boy. Watch this space for the updates on it!

To finish off, I thought I would share with you my latest inspiration. Jamie's Ministry of Food. Seriously people, get this book. Is it really, really simple and quick cooking? Yes. Which is what I want. All the fancier books I have are great for cooking from once in a while, but this thing has great recipes that are quick and easy, and taste amazing.

Tonight, I took his Spag Bol, and made it my own with a few additional bits and pieces. And it tasted amazing. EVERYTHING in it was fresh, including the basil which I picked from my window garden, and it tasted great. Honestly, I far preferred it to the old style Dolmio/Ragu stuff I used to do, and no doubt, it was healthier - which as a fat bastard, I need.

That's enough of me for now. I'm off to watch Transformers.


  1. Mate, some fecker bust into my sister's car and stole her Christmas presents on Christmas Day... and you're moaning over a handful of pies!

  2. See, more c*nts who weren't allowed to watch Transformers.

    This country is going to the dogs.
