Tuesday 6 January 2009

Here it goes!

Well, I tried this once before, and it didn't last, mainly because the company hosting started trying to charge me to blog, which ain't gunna happen!

I wanted to get something going, mainly to make use of my website, which I've had for a while, and not done much with. So, what better to start off with than a blog, I thought? So here it is. Hopefully, I will get my butt in gear, and use this as a basis to grow a site out with random photos that my friends stuck in the pre-facebook dark ages can see some of what I'm doing with my life.

As for this blog, well, we shall have to wait and see how it builds out, but I aim to use it as a venting area for everything to anything, from bitching about the pikey sons of guns who broke in to the communal area of my flat, and stole a load of games that weren't put through my letter box, to my thoughts on games, music, movies, comics, gigs, random news events, and god only knows what else. Who knows, maybe eventually this will be worth you reading, rather than a venting point for me, so check back - it should be fun!

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